Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Autism and MaxGXL

Heavy metals are being found in our bodies in high quantity. These metals, such as mercury, have been found in study after study to be directly related to autism and other neurological disorders of the brain. .....Glutathione binds to the heavy metals and mercury in the body and removes them from the cells and eliminates them from the body. It actually targets heavy metals for elimination. It is gentle and can even be used with children and the elderly. Keep in mind, increased fluid intake is critical to aid glutathione in elimination of wastes and toxins. .....GLUTATHIONE IS THE DETOXIFIER OF MERCURY, FREE RADICALS, AND TOXINS IN THE CELLS OF THE BODY. .....Study after study done on autism has shown the same results in patients with this problem. They have an inability to remove mercury from their bodies, as "normal" persons do, as well as severely decreased glutathione levels (remember from the notes above: without adequate glutathione, their body CANNOT remove the mercury). .....Today, an estimated 1 in 166 children have an autistic disorder. What is more, is that 1 in 6 (this is a phenomenal rate) have some form of behavioral or developmental disorder. Dr. Corinne Allen states, "this is an epidemic!" .....We live in a world full of heavy chemicalization with disregard for proper nutrition. If you produce the gene for reduced glutathione - you can greatly reduce that problem with glutathione supplementation. That is not to say artificial glutathione injection, but a way to introduce into the body the components that the body needs to produce glutathione on its own. That way is MaxGXL. .....Dr. Robert Keller's research has shown great benefit in persons with immunodeficiency's on MaxGXL. Studies have also shown that most medical problems are a direct result of inflammation, and MaxGXL has been shown in medical study to reduce inflammation naturally. .....Whether the root problem is with the brain, allergies, toxins, etc., inflammation is the result. Intake of MaxGXL promotes increase absorption of nutrients and aides in recycling and production of glutathione, as a result of that removal of toxins - WHICH IS KEY FOR ALL CELLULAR FUNCTIONS. .....Every day we are exposed to a slew of toxins.... GLUTATHIONE IS OUR DEFENSE, AND NOW IS THE TIME TO FIGHT BACK.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Leptin-Natural Weight Control

....Dr. Ron Rosedale has identified a neuron sensor within the body which acts similarly to the electrical controller in an automobile. This sensor "LEPTIN" sends and receives information from the brain to stimulate various body functions; hormone, Insulin levels, female and male production, thyroid and many other organ processes. Dr. Rosedale indicated in his research the importance of this vital senser in regards to the constant control of normal fat and lean mass retention. Brain and body communication is the ultimate answer. If a person has become leptin resistant for one reason or another the brain cannot send a clear message to the body to stop the storage of fat. With the return of proper communication a normal and attractive restructuring of the body returns......Some families have a history of obesity from one generation to the next. Dr Rosedale indicates that this, problem not corrected, can past through to the third and fourth generation. For more information, check the link to Max WLX (Weight Lose Accelerator) on our website.
December 26, 2008 8:58 AM

Friday, December 26, 2008

The Battle

Blog entries written by Stuart Maughan
The Battle

State: Published
Living is a battle. Life is the battle field. Our enemy is nature. In our youth we consumed nature. Our arms are strong and powerful. Nature is formidable and will yield for a time. As we mature courage becomes our shield. It is the time when nothing can block our progress. Nature opposes, but only strengthens our resolve. The prize is ours for a time. But, nature is the master insurgent, persistent, shrewd, and when our arms and legs grow weary, he presses on to achieve his goals. When the time has come in life and we are about to grasp the reward, natures ever lasting forces ends the life we've known. Can we oppose natures wrath? Is it possible to hold back the effect of time? The answer is yes. Get free information about MAX GXL and study the Master Antioxidant Glutathione at this link.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Dr. Robert Keller and Glutathione

Dr. Robert Keller has developed a product which has in helped in the recover of his patents. In his research he discovered that high levels of cellular glutathione was critical to their good health. This information was not totally unexpected. This anti-oxidant was discover in the late 1800 and is commonly known as the Master Anti-antioxidant. Dr. Keller concluded that most all person lose approximately 10 percent of this precious antioxidant every 10 years after the age of 20. Hence a constant limitation of body function and deterioration (ageing) until death. His information was qualified and quantified in the white blood cells through a microscope. Having this same effects on his patients Dr. Keller found that those of his patience who were faring better than others had higher levels of this anti-oxidant. After much research and many years of difficult disappointment, he found a way to help the body not only increase the production of gluthathione within the cell but most importantly recycle the spent antioxidant back into the cell, increasing the over all strength of glutathione in every cell of the body over 490 percent. More information about this discovery and others can be found on our website ,or contact us by e-mail.